
The main thing

  • By mid-2023, Very High Speed Internet will be a reality for all Tarn-et-Garonnais. With more than 7,000 km of cables deployed in 4 years, the 100% Fiber program is one of the major public development projects of this first quarter of a century in Tarn-et-Garonne. The daring gamble of connecting all households, businesses and public sites to optical fiber is to raise Very High Speed to the rank of commodities, just like water and electricity, and to allow the development of new services including many are yet to be invented.

  • 103 400FTTH linesThis is the number of optical sockets that will be created to connect all the buildings.

  • 2023End of the worksThe objective is to complete the construction of the network by this date.

  • 191MunicipalitiesEqual all the municipalities attached to Tarn-et-Garonne Numérique.

  • 75 000inclusion hoursand 3 750 hours of training in collaboration with several organizations.

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The Financing

Ce programme d'aménagement est cofinancé par l’État, la Région Occitanie, le Conseil Départemental et les Collectivités membres du syndicat.